Vibes And Crank Essay

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Vibes and Crank are amazing and entertaining books.The character are relatable to not only myself but my fellow peers.The books I’ve chosen aren’t pretty and nice which is good because that’s what most people look for in books nowadays.Vibes and Crank are books i would recommend to my close friends because in my opinion they’re interesting and very entertaining.These are eye catching books for their amazing book covers. Crank is one of the books I’ve chose.The book Crank is about a teenage girl named Kristina a typical high schooler “good girl” leading an average life in Nevada.But Bree is the opposite of her,Bree leads Kristina to the point of self destruction.Bree makes Kristina make bad choices and do drugs.Kristina has three boyfriends in the book,She ends up with her final boyfriend named Chase the “bad boy” who is slightly non attractive but ends up being kind and attractive at the end.The main conflict in the story was Kristina finding out she’s pregnant by Brendan,one of her old boyfriends, that ended up raping her.When she found out she was pregnant she tried improving her life and that means to stop doing drugs and stop drinking alcohol for the babies sake.What I liked about Crank was that Kristina stopped letting Bree decide what’s good for her and not.What I didn’t like about the book is that Kristina knew that Bree was making her do bad things and still let her make

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