Variation Of Consciousness

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With any person, trait, or object that varies, one variation is usually seen as better than another. An early bus is preferred over a late bus, a friend is viewed more positively when in a good mood instead of a bad mood, and intelligence is valued more in higher quantities opposed to lower quantities. These examples are assigned their higher values in contrast to their opposites. They are more appreciated because they are different from the variation that is less appreciated. These lesser variations typically cause more negative outcomes, in turn they are less appreciated. A late bus will cause you to arrive late, an early bus will not, an angry friend might end up yelling at you, a happy friend will not, lower intelligence could cause you …show more content…

Throughout the first half he points out his difference from others, and uses it to form and inform others, like the reader, of his identity. With “I swear to you, gentlemen, that to be too conscious is a sickness” he implies that the readers do not understand or possess too much consciousness, and that he is too conscious, and that he is knowledgeable enough to help others understand (20). He is more obvious about how different he is when he says that he is “the most intelligent person [he knows]” (22). He continues, on the same page, with how he “would not even be able to get back at anybody for anything” like other men he calls “men of action” (22). In all of these instances he is defining himself in contrast to others. He is highlighting his difference, even if it is negative. Most of these traits, like arrogance, hubris, or cowardice, are not positive or valued, but he uses them in his identity formation because they define him as different from others and what others …show more content…

These people have invalidated him so to maintain his superiority over them he seeks their validation. This can be seen when he feels he needs to get revenge on the cop who moved him, the friends who laugh at him but he still goes to the brothel to try to prove himself and slap on of them, and especially in his interactions with Liza. This happens because these characters do not validate him due to the fact that they cannot see the underground man’s emotions or reasoning for his actions, so to them his actions only seem different. This still aligns with his difference as a part of his identity, but it excludes the identifying traits he is so proud of. His speech to Liza seems kind, and like it comes from a friendly place of concern, especially since Liza feels cared about and comfortable enough to see him again. If she does not think he cares about her she would not go out of her way to visit him at his home. Liza cannot see when cruelly he describes how he understands that he “had stricken her very soul and broken her heart” and goes on to describe trying to help her as a game that “had carried [him] away” (101). The reasoning behind the underground man trying to help Liza is to play with her emotions so he can feel superior to her. This cannot be seen

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