Vail Health Organizational Change

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In an effort to successfully implement organizational change while increasing employee engagement, Vail Health is wise to heed an educated strategy. Embarking on organizational change can be overwhelming and a proper plan of action is imperative. Vail Health will initiate successful change through the necessary channels to include the initial diagnosis and ending with an after-action review to ensure the change has been successfully implemented.
Diagnsosis, Formulas and Solutions
When embarking upon an organizational shift, diagnosing the situation at hand is the first and most important step. As all the other aspects of the change will follow the proper diagnosis, this step is paramount in its accuracy. The diagnosis needs to be specific …show more content…

To analyze the current state along with aligning the proper interactions and dependencies within the organization, a diagnostic framework will align create a structure to enable such changes. Proper diagnosis during the beginning phases or organizational change will affect the successful results when implementation occurs. The diagnosis phase will impact the engagement and the focus of implementation when the time arrives. Employee engagement creates an environment of collaboration and successful execution of …show more content…

A shared diagnosis will be crucial in future steps toward the company’s shift in the right direction. Dialogue can be described as “a structured discussion among two or more parties with no predetermined conclusion” (Lambiase, J., 2013). Dialogue surrounding the upcoming shift in dynamics will engage employees in the process. Vail Health lacks the proper utilization of dialogue to create engagement in diagnosis and implementation; moving forward the organization needs to improve this aspect for successful future change, hence the organization needs utilize a dialogue in process to be included in the process.
Passive Acceptance and Agreement, Organizational Silence and Active Leaders in a Climate of Silence
Employees can be likely to exhibit passive acceptance of impending changes on the horizon. Vail Health leaders are wise to not mistake this passive acceptance with agreement concerning the changes on the horizon. Vail Health is currently faced with a large amount of organizational silence, the lack of truthful dialogue amongst team members due to the fact they believe their voices will not be heard and will be of no impact. Wise leaders can effect a change on such a silence by taking an active participation in employee engagement and this role can be described as active leaders in a climate of

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