Utilitarianism Animal Farm

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In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the animal’s take over the farm and develop their own independent society. The animals develop their own society because they are being mistreated by the farmer. They manage the farm by themselves and establish tranquility, until some animals desire greed and power more than the others. The representation of animals taking over the farm relates to communism during Orwell’s life.
George Orwell was the son of a British civil servant (“George Orwell, 2007). A year after his birth, he moved to England with his mother and sister while his father stayed behind in India. His father retired from the service in 1912, and joined his family in England (“George Orwell, 2007). When Orwell was an adult, he had many careers. …show more content…

He began to write literary criticisms. This led up to the making of his novel Animal Farm, which is a anti-Soviet satire.
Animal Farm is a satirical work about the Soviet Union that was published in 1945 in England. The preface of Animal Farm begins with a quote from George Orwell that says, “ We were very lucky to get out of Spain alive” (Orwell). Russell Baker wrote, “He was not talking about the nearly fatal throat wound he suffered in combat during the Spanish Civil War but about Stalin’s murderous political apparatchiks who had gained partial control of the Spanish government by 1937.” This quote contributes to the sense that the novel is based upon the experiences Orwell had during Stalin’s reigns. It gives the reader a sense that Stalin’s dictatorship was very terrifying. The things that Stalin did throughout his dictatorship will forever be recognized by the hurt in put on a nation. The novel was very popular because Orwell tried to “fuse political purpose and artistic purpose in one whole" (“George Orwell”, 1999). The novel reflects events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and leads into the Stalinist Era of the Soviet …show more content…

Jones, the farmer, has become very inadequate. Mr.Jones had recently lost a lawsuit and was not caring for the animals. He would forget to feed them, and would spend most of his day drinking and watching television. One day, the cows kicked down the shed door to get to food. When Mr. Jones noticed, he and his men ran outside and began to whip the animals. This was the beginning to their own society on the farm. The animals “raced back to the farm buildings to wipe out the last traces of Jones’s hated reign” (Orwell 27). The animals burned everything that reminded them of humans and change the name of the farm from MANOR FARM to ANIMAL FARM. The animals burning Mr.Jones’s items

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