Us Involvement In The Vietnam War Essay

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As many as two million Vietnamese civilians were killed during the Vietnam War(Spector). Would this number have been different if certain things off the battlefield in the United States did not occur. The Vietnam War was a war between the communist regime of North Vietnam leaded by Ho Chi Minh, and the non-Communist South Vietnam. The United States fought with the south in fear that if all of Vietnam became communist then the domino effect would occur and all of Asia would turn to communism(“Vietnam, War”). The war began in 1954 and ended in 1975 when communist forces took over the South Vietnamese capital of Saigon(“Vietnam”). This was two years after President Nixon, the thirty seventh President of the United States ordered the withdrawal …show more content…

Many things occurred on and off the battlefield during the eight years that the United States were involved in the war, but three main things off the battlefield in the United States impacted it the greatest. The events off the battlefield in the United States that impacted United States involvement in the Vietnam War were, anti-war protests, the analysis of the Tet Offensive, and the resignation of President Nixon.

Anti-war protests were one of the things off the battlefield in the United States that impacted U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. The movement against the United States involvement in the Vietnam war began among peace activists, and college students across the country, but gained national prominence in 1965(“Vietnam, Protests”). This was when the United States began bombing North Vietnam in earnest, which made many Americans angry and question U.S. involvement in the war. As the United States became more, and more involved in the war, and the American soldier death toll began to increase, anti-war protests were becoming more common, and larger. On October 21, 1967, one of the largest anti-war demonstrations took place(“United”). More than 100,000 protesters gathered at the Lincoln

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