University Sustainability Proposal

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Proposal Amy Fletcher Sustainable Wind Co. 1234 South Wind Ave, Yakima, WA, 98903 October 3, 2017 Ms. Abigale Rogers Chairwoman of University Sustainability Practices Committee Arizona State University Introduction: Arizona State University has been trying for many years to shine a light on alternative energy sources. My company’s proposal is that ASU should expand its small wind farm with more modern wind turbines as well as replace their current turbines with the more modern modal. With more wind turbines there will be a better change to not only create more power that the school can run off, but it will also have a better change of sparking more questions from students, faculty members but the community. Background: Wind turbines …show more content…

With more turbines they would power the whole of the school’s electric grid. ASU has been striving to show that they care about the environment. They have implemented many different alternative energy sources on campus. Their wind turbines are just one of may sources. Soon the school will be sustainable when it comes to energy use Findings: My company recently did a survey that shows that 51% of people think that alternative energy like wind turbines could truly help the environment which is the whole point of ASUs sustainable energy efforts. My compony was also able to find that in New Zealand they replaced their older turbines with more modern turbines and found that they create even more energy (The Cost of Wind Energy). According to this same article there was a report done that stated, “…existing wind farms have been developed with a long run marginal cost…. And that at the lower end of the scale, wind farms are competitive with alternative technologies” (The Cost of Wind Energy) …show more content…

The money that would be saved could be used in many ways around the school as well as help their online students. Even if the current 6 turbines where replaced the school would still be making even more energy to run the school off. The turbines would also start to spark questions about wind energy as well as the other renewable sources of energy. Concerns: One of the main concerns would be that wind turbines are costly and will take time to start having a positive financial effect. This is a problem because many oil companies are trying to hinder alternative energy research by making it so expensive. However, if ASU where to make the switch, then the school could be run on wind energy as well as any solar energy systems the school already has in place. Conclusion: To conclude, we only have this one earth and we need to start thinking about what we as a human race are doing to it. My company would urge you to consider implementing the plan that we have created for you. We truly believe that if your school were to implement the plan, then you will continue to show that your school is dedicated to the sustainable energy plans you first created. It will show the community that your school is concerned with the

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