United States and Finland

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Many people do not know Finland’s education system is one of the best in the world. Different nations has turn their attention to Finland in an attempt to figure what this country is doing right academically; one of these nations is the United States of America. However, can the United States benefit from understanding how Finland’s education system works? If so, what is the possible key difference between the two countries, and how much does the difference truly make on the education systems? To analyze the distinction of Finland’s and the United States’ education practices, we must examine the objectives of science, mathematics, and reading. To recognize the impact of the different objectives, if any, we will evaluate the scores from the Program for International Student Assessment.
In order to distinguish the subtle differences in the factors contributing to the education system in Finland compared to the United States, one must evaluate the country’s teaching objectives. The objectives will not only set a bar for schools to meet, but also create a perception of the curriculum being taught. Both countries see their main objective is to ensure the possibility for any citizen to receive an education, but these two nations have different goals that go along with this objective.
Finland addresses their objectives by defining their goals to a policy to prepare students for the labor forces (minedu.fi). This is done by developing applying techniques, basic skills, creating a wide range of learning opportunities, generate motivation, and reduce drop out rates. To perceive the significance of these goals is to comprehend the objectives of certain courses. Three curricula which are ideal to examine are science, mathematics, and re...

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...country is just average. Whereas Finland’s test scores shows the country is proficient in the three courses. Even though there are still many factors that affects an education system, the PISA shows that the United States’ students are not doing as well as Finland’s.
The ability to distinguish the faults of a country and learn from others may decide the future of a nation. The ability to distinguish the faults of a country and learn from others may determine the future of a nation. Given the fact Finland’s academic system is one of the finest in the world, can the United States of America discover anything the country can profit from? By analyzing how Finland ‘s goal of assuring their students can apply education skills to the real world and the advantage this objective gives to the country on the PISA, one can deduce the United States can learn a thing or two.

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