United Methodist Polity

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3. Discuss primary characteristics of United Methodist polity and the theology they reflect.

Parishioners often ask me if there is really any difference between United Methodist and the Baptists down the road. The answer, “quite a lot,” generally surprises them. When they ask me to explain, I often point them in the direction of our polity and the theology it reflects.
For many the term “polity” is relatively new. I explain to them that polity is simply the general organizational structures and form of governance, including constitution/doctrinal standards, powers, offices and representation. Using an argument from Thomas Frank’s book Polity, Practice, and the Mission of the United Methodist Church, I would argue that United Methodist Church polity functions as both discipline and connection. As United Methodists we have a book of polity called the Book of Discipline. Contained within are the constitution and doctrinal standards, along with our structures of organization and …show more content…

The character of this connectionalism is missional, organizational and financial. First the UMC is connected by its mission “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” Throughout the world the UMC has conferences of local churches. Second, the UMC is connectional in organization and governance, having a worldwide governing body (General Conference) and various general boards, general councils, general commissions, and agencies. Finally, the UMC is connectional through the sharing of resources. Local churches participate in giving apportionments to the conference to be used within the worldwide ministry of the church. Furthermore, according to the trust clause, “All properties of United Methodist local churches and other United Methodist agencies and institutions are held, in trust, for the benefit of the entire denomination, and ownership and usage of church property is subject to the

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