Two Reasons for the Right to Bear Arms: An opinion

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Bearing Your Arms
Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and George Washington are just a few of our
Forefathers that helped document the Bill of Rights. They sure did know what they were doing when they added the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment states, a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. A militia is a free standing civilian army, which makes every single American citizen a part of the militia. So one would argue that because the crime rate is so high that we no longer need the second amendment of the
Constitution, but why should all Americans suffer because a few people choose to use guns in the wrong way? There is only a minority of people that choose to use guns in the wrong way. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. And should you be attacked by someone with a gun, the police might not be able to get there in time to save you, so you need some way to protect yourself. Americans still need the right to bear arms so they can hunt, for their protection and to control the animal population.
Hunting is popular among American men and is a delightful pastime for a father and a son. It is not essential that Americans hunt for their food anymore, but that is not why people hunt. They hunt because it gives men a sense of serenity being out in the woods. People enjoy hunting. Those people should not have to suffer because other people like to kill other people. On the other hand, some people might actually need to hunt for food. Not everybody has enough money to feed their family big feasts every night, so they kill an animal to help cut down on the cost of their food bill.
One other thing is that policemen can not always prevent every crime that occurs. According to the FBI Crime report, a crime is committed every 2.7 seconds. Americans need to be able to own guns so they can protect themselves if ever the need arise. Even if they take guns away, there are people that are still going to be able to get guns illegally, and they will be killing and murdering people that have their guns taken away by the government. Americans have the right to protect themselves, mainly if someone were to invade our country.

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