Transcendentalism in the Modern World

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Transcendentalism is a philosophy that declares the primacy of the spiritual and transcendental over the material and hypothetical beliefs. It focuses on non-conformity, optimism and passive civil disobedience. Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson were models of these ideas. They focused on the fact that you should do something because it feels right to you not because its what everyone else is doing. Emerson believed that optimism exercised with confidence if the best way to achieve what you want in life to be happy. Emerson once said, "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm, if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined he will meet success, unexpected in common hours". This simply meant that if your strive to achieve your dreams confidently and with a good attitude you will eventually meet success. Thoreau believed that the unexamined life was no life at all and that you should consider everything you do to find out if it is the best way to live. He believed a comfortable non-conformed life is better than a conformed materialistic life. Supporting this belief he once said, "I would rather sit on a pumpkin than and have it to myself than be crowed on a velvet cushion". As a society today we need to think more about our lives and decided if we conform to each other to an unnecessary extent. If we do, it is time for a change. The following example model how people separate themselves from a conformed society to do what they fill is best for them individually. The movie Jerry Maguire is an example of non-conformity and optimism. The main character Jerry Maguire (played by Tom Cruise) is at the height of his career. He works for a high-powered sports agency and devotes his life to his superstar clients. He's always looking for the biggest deal. One of Jerry Maguires biggest clients gets injured in a game and may no longer play. Maguire gets a guilty conscience because he was so focused on making money that he lost sight of what was really important. He writes up a touchy-feely memo on the subject of integrity. It focused on fewer clients and less money. He impulsively circulated it among his colleagues. Maguire instantly regretted circulating the memo because he realized that not everyone shared his desire for self-improvement.

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