Transactional Analysis

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Transactional Analysis, according to Eric Berne is a powerful tool for human well-being. Eric Berne deals with the psychology behind our transactions. Transactional Analysis determines which ego state is implemented by the people interacting.

People are made with three basic ego states, which are the parent, adult and child. Some people have a controlling ego state and others are constantly changing. All parts are needed for a well-rounded personality.

The child is linked with intuition, creativity, drive and enjoyment. The adult is rational and has an objective and logical side, which allows work to get done. This is part of us that should be involved in making hard decisions because it weighs the pros and cons of the decision without prejudice.

The parent will care for others and ourselves; they are also useful for raising children and for routine decisions that require the superior thinking of the adult. A transaction can be either independent or crossed at the same time clear or hidden.

A simple independent transaction would be any transaction where the lines do not cross. These transactions are, "opinion (parent-parent), problem solving (adult-adult) or playing (child-child)."

Internal ego states can occur together with external ego states and can be spotted when the behavioural aspects of communication, seem intuitively out of line with what we feel is happening for example; a "nurturing parent" can have a positive side by being caring or they can have a negative side, by smothering a person with too much concern, or they may deny people the opportunity to develop their own skills.

The same can happen when being a "controlling parent", their positive sides may set rules and boundaries to...

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...ys do it the same way. There are different ways of relating which everyone is capable of, designated as (parent), (adult) and (child). These can differ by their body attitude or their tone of voice as by what is being said for example, "I told you so" (parent), (I think I have made a mistake) (adult) or "why does this always happen to me (child).

Parent, adult and child are just ways of social functioning they are not a bad thing and can contribute positively to a well-adjusted personality.

In conclusion, transactional analysis is a good way of recognising people's behaviour. Having read all the handouts and observed my work in class, I feel I have a general idea in recognising what ego states other people are playing, in certain situations. I personally think it is a good way of finding out what ego state you are in, so you can control them if necessary.

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