Traditional Cars Vs Electric Cars Essay

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Renewable energy is energy from a source such as wind, rain, or solar power.
Today, people try to find resources that do not impact on the ozone, or cost a large amount of money. Moreover, most people are not happy with unclean air, which causes an unhealthy environment to live in, and one of the reasons that make unclean air is a fossil fuel. There are millions of cars run daily, so they make the area impure; therefore, the electric cars are the solution for this problem. Electric cars powered by electric motors, and using renewable energy instead of gasoline, are more helpful. One author argues that electric cars are more useful than traditional cars to protect the environment, especially when they depend on the source that used.
In the article “ How Green Are Electric Cars? …show more content…

Stenquist explains electric cars might get their energy from coal, wind, nuclear, and solar sources; in addition, these capabilities which improve the environment by reducing the detrimental sources. Stenquist (2012) asserts that electric cars can better reduce the global warming emissions from the gases, which result in a cleaner environment (p. 2). Furthermore, the author interviews several people to …show more content…

In addition, replacing the gasoline with one of the energy could enhance the global warming from the worst consequences. In my opinion, when people use the electric cars, their lives might be simple and straightforward based on the source they use because people can charge the electric cars at home. In the future, people will use renewable energy in their lives and everything might use any sources rather than

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