Tracking The Dragon Summary

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Historical sources utilised for studying local and community history are often selected due to their primary focus. Often documented by amateur historians or local historical societies the initial focus of local and community history was primarily directed towards pioneering progress and male worthies. With changing times and changing attitudes the focus of local and community was soon extended to include a diverse array of topics. In this regard, the essay Tracking the Dragon: the history of the Chinese in the Temora district of New South Wales focus is the history of migration and settlement of Chinese immigrants in the Temora district. This essay explores the occupations the immigrants pursed, their lifestyles and beliefs, meanwhile highlighting …show more content…

Discussing Mount Wilson developing as a town, Tom emphasises his disappointment towards destruction of the flora and fauna in the area due to progress. In contrast, the focus of A Blue Mountains House and its Owners: Green Gables at Wentworth Falls is a building and the surrounding grounds. However, David E. Kyvig and Myron A. Marty state buildings are ‘symbolic, representing at least the necessities of one or more persons at a given time and place’, thereby similarly representing the human story. The article details construction of, and the alterations made to a house now named Green Gables, possibly the oldest house in Wentworth Falls. The article described by the author as the ‘life story of the house’, documents the changes to both the house and the surrounding gardens, whilst offering a brief insight into some of the owners of the house and their contributions made to the village of Wentworth Falls. Comparable to Tracking the Dragon: the history of the Chinese in the Temora district of New South Wales, this essay expands over a century of time and comprises of many generations, whereas, the oral interviews focus covers a brief period of time, it is reminiscent of one man’s

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