Too Much Homework Research Paper

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Having too much can be tiresome for students. Although homework certainly has its benefits, it may be the cause for stress among other things. Schools may think that by giving out homework, kids will be more likely to succeed later in life. However, homework overload is causing students harm. Even though homework has its bad side, it is not a secret that it has benefits such as better grades. The effect of too much homework has on students is a serious matter that has to be dealt with. As a result of homework, young kids all around are stressed. Trying to turn in assignments is like a race against time. Some teachers have reported getting homework assignments turned into them as late as 3 a.m. Not only are children in front of a screen all day, they are also losing interest in …show more content…

Inability to complete homework isn't always to be blamed on the child, but by events happening in their lives. The time that should be shared as a family is being spent on finishing assignments. Instead of being out with the family spending quality time, kids are spending all of their free time finishing homework. Instead of going out and enjoying the perfect sunny day, kids are inside in front of a screen finishing all homework assigned. Parents are often worried that their children don't spend enough time with the family. Cheryl Masterman said, " I just had a situation with my fifth-grader the other night, and he was up to really late and totally freaking out and melting down". As well as stress, homework deprives kids of sleep. The United States is said to be in third place for giving out the most homework weekly, 6.1 hours to fifteen-year-olds. Adapted from ("Research trends: Why Homework Should Be Balanced", paragraphs 3-4), ("More Parents, Schools try to dig out from piles of homework", paragraphs 15-31) and (Graph from: "Homework: A new User's Guide" (NPR Ed,

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