Too Much Homework Is Bad

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Almost 70% of people suffer from stress because of too much homework. Too much homework can cause lots of things such as bad health, anxiety, depression, and stress. It is said that kids spend more time on homework than they do with family. Is this true in most students and parents perspective?

Kids need more time to be kids and be more around family instead or having to do homework all of the time. Most kids spend about 2-3 hours doing homework and not with family or friends according to, Is Too Much Homework Bad for Kids' Health? Students do tons of homework that it is causing most parents to say that they only get to see their children during dinner time or they might not even be able to go to dinner because they just want to be done with homework. As Kamala Nair said to prove that parents mostly see their child during dinner time or not at all is in t To add on, because these kids are spending much time on homework, it is causing them to go to bed late, when you go to bed late but wake up early in the morning you are probably going to be tired, and when you are tired, it is most likely going to be hard to concentrate which can lead to bad grades.In this case too much homework can actually cause bad grades and, not help your children witht the things you may not know. …show more content…

It is said according to, Too much homework can cause stress, depression and lower grades, studies suggest, that when you usually see too many papers it can cause stress because it may look like a lot of work. To prove that homework may cause depression is that in the website, Do Kids Have Too Much Homework?, it had said that a teenage girl had said ‘“I’ve gone through bouts of depression I would spend six hours a night on my homework.”’ This could prove that homework does actually cause depression all from homework and it is coming from an actual

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