Toni Cade Bambara Raymonds Run Characters

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Raymond's Run In the short story “Raymond’s Run,” by Toni Cade Bambara, the main character spot lighted is Hazel Elizabeth Deborah Parker, also known as Squeaky; for those lucky enough to call her that. Squeaky is a skinny armed tom boy that takes on the role of a protective sister over her mentally challenged older brother, Raymond, against other kids that attempt to bully him. Squeaky demonstrates different identities throughout the story and new achievements are born for Raymond despite his disabilities. Squeaky is a defensive little sister that is tough, sassy, responsible, and caring. Her role in the family is watch over her brother. She really doesn’t mind because then she has a training partner to practice her breathing exercises and to train for running in the May Day races on the sidewalks of Harlem; just as long as Raymond keeps up with her. Squeaky quotes, “The big kids call me Mercury cause I’m the swiftest thing in the neighborhood,” (181). This is what makes Squeaky tough because she is a fast runner but she also believes in herself and that she can beat anyone except her father. Squeaky comes off sassy and outspoken. She mentions, “And I have a big rep as the baddest thing around. And I’ve got a roomful of ribbons and medals and awards,” (189). Squeaky is not to afraid to admit that she practices running, in fact she compares herself to Cynthia Procter who doesn’t like to admit that she practices to make others think they don't need to practice either. Squeaky will be out doing her morning practices and will pass Cynthia’s home and Cynthia will be practicing the scales on her piano. Cynthia will deny that she practices even though she will “let herself get bumped around so she falls accidently on purpose onto t... ... middle of paper ... ...oped through her tough tom boy attitude. The symbolism of the story is given through the Maypole dancing. The Maypole dancing is a symbol for growth and new beginnings. A new life was born on the day of the big race. It was for Raymond when Squeaky discovered that he could run. His big sister realizes that he would make a great runner through the help of her and Gretchen, Squeaky's biggest competitor, by coaching him. Raymond has demonstrated talent and Squeaky wants to be able to showcase it and help him be the best he possibly can. It's ironic that the beginning for another character was purposely put at the end but Bambara would like us to decide what happens with Raymond. Works Cited Bambara, Toni Cade. "Raymond's Run." Short Stories: Characters in Conflict. Ed. John E. Warriner. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1981. 197-202. Print.

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