Tom Robinson's Power In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Whether you like it or not there is a hierarchy in Maycomb, it's true, I know exactly who the most/ least powerful person in Maycomb is. You may think that I am wrong but I can prove it to you. Alexandra Finch is the most powerful person and Tom Robinson is the least , I mean how can you possibly not agree. Anyways, Aunt Alexandra is a wealthy woman who has “boarding school manners” and isn't afraid to correct or judge someone. On the other hand, Tom Robinson is a black man who has been accused of rape by a white man in the 1930s which were years that overflowed with discrimination. Within the hierarchy of Maycomb, Alexandra Finch has the most power because she is very wealthy and has alot of education and Tom Robinson has the least power because he is a poor African American in the 1920’s who has not one say in any situation. Some may argue that Atticus has …show more content…

In chapter 12, Atticus is trying to explain to Calpurnia that Tom Robinson is in jail so he cannot support his family at the moment. Atticus says “Cal, I know Tom Robinson is in jail but why wont folks hire Helen.” (Lee 164). This demonstrates Tom Robinson's power because he doesn't have enough money to support his family and because he is accused of rape, nobody wants to have anything to with the Robinsons. In chapter 9, Atticus is discussing the case with his brother Jack. They know there is a very low chance of actually winning this case. Atticus says to Jack “It couldn't be worse Jack. The only thing we've got is a black mans word against the Ewells… the jury couldn't possibly be expected to take Tom Robinson's word against the Ewells.’’(Lee 116-117). This demonstrates Tom Robinson's power because he's an African American man during a time of immense discrimination so he has no say in anything at all. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Tom Robinson's power because he's a poor black man during the great depression and has no say in anything

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