Tom Bombadil Description

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IGN: deathmuffin77
Tom Bombadil
Character Lore: No one knows when Tom Bombadil was actually created as it was speculated he was in Arda even before the first Dark Lord Morgoth, for no one even really knows what he is. Yet, Tom Bombadil lives a happy little life near the river Withywindle in the Old Forest with ‘The River-Daughter’ Goldberry and his trusty steed Fatty Lumpkin. And because of all the names he has among the folk of Middle-earth it is though that he may have been influencial in the past
Faction Lore Ummmm well, as Tom is know as 'A strange creature' to most, he is not a part of any 'faction', but I'll just describe the Old Forest :smiley: The old forest is indeed a old and not so prosperous forest which has been

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