Toddlers and Tablets

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While searching for a tablet for my two year old son, I found there were too many options available to make a hasty decision. After pouring numerous hours into researching the different possibilities, I was finally able to narrow my choice down to one, the nabi Jr. Nick Jr. Edition by Fuhu. The nabi Jr. is a 5 in. 16-gigabyte Android tablet that specifically targets preschool age children. It is advertised as a durable learning device, which comes complete with a thick rubber safety casing, parental controls, and pre-loaded educational software. It also comes with a jack for headphones and a memory card slot for extra storage. Although there were many good features about the nabi, what appealed to me most were the rechargeable battery and built-in camera and video recorder. These are helpful because as a parent I do not want to run out of batteries while on the go, and I can never have too many pictures of my children. After finally deciding to purchase the nabi, I decided it might be best to check out some reviews.
The first review I read came from an article in The New York Times...

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