To What Extent Is Lady Macbeth's Fault

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Macbeths Downward Spiral: whose Fault is it? So whose fault is it? Is it Macbeths? Lady Macbeths? The Witches? There are a lot of opinions, and theories to this question. However, Lady Macbeth meets all the requirements and is the most responsible. She first questions Macbeth’s manhood because he doesn’t want to do the dirty work and murder people. Later in the play, Lady Macbeth starts brainwashing Macbeth and saying things like “Leave all the rest to me”. She has these evil schemes already planned, and is just waiting on Macbeth to follow through. On the other hand, many argue by saying that it is indeed Macbeths fault because he is his own person, and makes his own decisions. This is a fact because no one really has the power to completely change your morals. Macbeth could have easily stopped himself from killing, but he didn’t. Instead he said things like “It will have blood; they say, blood will have blood”. After he kills Banquo and sees his ghost, he gets terrified. Lady Macbeth tries to cover for him, but he continues to say things like “Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold; thou hast no speculation in those eyes which thou dost glare with!” Alternatively, many think that it is the Witches fault because they gave Macbeth a prophecy that stated he shall be king, and his …show more content…

Many argue that it is Macbeth’s fault because he makes his own decisions and could have stopped his wife from getting to him. On the other hand, many state that the Witches were to blame because they got his hopes up and told him that he will be king. This triggered Macbeths mind and made it sort of his job to get what he wanted. Nonetheless, Lady Macbeth was the one that put the greedy and selfish thoughts into his head. She encouraged him to kill, and brainwashed him into doing these terrible actions. For these reasons, it becomes obvious that she is the one to blame and is at

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