To Kill A Mockingbird Essay

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The film "To Kill A Mockingbird" is based on the story of a young girl named Jean Louise Finch. It tells the tale of her childhood in the deep south where racial discrimination was seen in day to day life. It shows how her widowed father defends a black man when all hope is lost. The theme of the movie is ageless. It is still relevant and controversial. Harper Lee wrote, "As you grow older, you'll see white men cheat black men everyday of your life, but let me tell you something and don't you forget it - whenever a white man does that to a black man , no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from he is trash." This quote underlines that regardless of how much money a man has, or where he fits on the social ladder, his actions and humanity are what define him.
The film appealed to me as it told many stories and lessons of inequality and injustice in society. The main theme and central focus of the book is the racial tension of the time, an alleged crime and the resulting trial. Society is shown to be structured along two classes - the white members of society that make the laws and give out punishment and the black members of society that, are treated like second class citizens. The African Americans in the community face discrimination, are poor and live in fear of retaliation for any perceived slight. Racism and intolerance are obvious and prevalent. In this setting a poor black man is accused of the rape of a white woman. Tom Robinson is faced not only with a serious legal crime but also a death sentence at the hands of racists. Atticus, Scouts father, never gives up on the case. He also never lets gossip or peer pressure get to him as he is of a strong mind. He fights for what he believes and doesn...

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...rying weapons. Trayvon's body was checked and he was not carrying any weapons and he was just going to the house he was temporarily living at in the Twin lake gated community. It appears that being a black male was what was required to be considered a threat. Unfortunately a jury agreed with George Zimmerman. Fear, hate, mistrust and intolerance continue to plague our society. It will be through men and women like Atticus Finch, that society will be able to move ahead. These are the differences I can see of the setting based on time period.
I would recommend the film "To Kill A Mockingbird" to friends as it has many lessons that can be used in every day to day life. The film shines a light on intolerance and how it can tear apart society. It forces the viewer to take a closer look at themselves and at the same time provides a good role model in Atticus Finch.

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