To Kill A Mockingbird: A Short Story

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One beautiful sunny day I was at six flags with my family. It felt hot and humid like a sauna. As we were walking I noticed the giant drop and it was extremely intimidating. It looked like it went up straight into the heavens. I turn to my dad and asked him, “If I go on the giant drop will you on it with me?”
He said, “Sure”
Then my mom said “You guys are crazy.”
Then we start to walk towards the ride and as we walk into the line and wait i begin to feel as if the only thing in my stomach were butterflies. As I hear the ride conductor call us over for our turn I look at my dad one more time and tell him “I’m so nervous.”
He replied, “You’ll be fine.”
We walk towards the ride and see my mom recording. I get on and buckle my seat belt with caution …show more content…

One example is from To Kill a Mockingbird is when Atticus, Jem, Scout, Dill, and the old Sarum crew were in the jail and scout started talking to Walter Cunningham. Another example was when I joined a track team over the summer. Jem talking to Walter Cunningham was courageous because she didn't know half of the people that were in the room and it was such a dangerous situation. Joining a track team was hard because I knew nobody on the team and had to talk a get to know a lot of new people and that took a lot out of me to try and do that.
Finally, taking a risk is a huge sign of courage. In To Kill a Mockingbird there were many examples of people taking risks. One good example would be when Jem, Scout, and Dill tried to get into the radley place. Another example would be when I ran a 800 meter race against all guys older than me. Jem, Scout, and Dill attempting to sneak into the Radley's house was a huge risk like getting caught and shot or getting a terrible punishment by Atticus. When I ran I had to chose the pace that I wanted to keep throught the whole especially since I didn't want to lose and I was running against all guys older than

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