Thomas Hobbes Authoritarianism

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Upon exposure under a modern viewpoint, with the benefit of hindsight to assist, the philosophies of Plato and Thomas Hobbes fall under an unequivocal category of judgment on how governments must run - specifically, that of complete authoritarianism. Throughout their lives, they pandered to delusions of assurance and refuge in absolute totalitarianism, with an insufficient amount of compelling evidence to bolster their assertions. Ordinarily, the enlightenment of enfranchisement in major countries like the United States should have abolished and denounced the ideologies indefinitely. Nevertheless, the philosophers and the administrative conceptions they supported receive unparalleled acclaim across the globe. Moreover, the doctrines still …show more content…

Regarding what system of government should rule, the pair of philosophers advocate for tyrannical tyrannies, with Plato’s being the Assembly, controlled by the guardians, and with Hobbes the sovereign regulating others. On the discussion of the morality of society, the logicians believe in the overlord 's determine right and wrong for everyone, and discipline based on their convictions. As for the role of the individual, Plato and Hobbes reject the significance of subjectivity, despite Hobbes’ declarations of such. And just as Plato’s philosophies indirectly influenced Hobbes ' ideals of legislature, the concepts of authoritarian dominion still persuade the institutions of the world …show more content…

Throughout history, totalitarian upon totalitarian seeks complete dominion over a commonality, and obtain encouragement from doctrines suggesting that only absolutism and consequentialism will achieve peace and order in the world. Unfortunately, even the powers-at-be who reject the concepts of tyranny embrace the constriction of liberty for the sake of security. But in the end, the guardians and sovereigns of the world will always arise. Ultimately, those who defend freedom and liberty must step up and defend their natural

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