Themes In Blackrock

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There are many ideas, experiences, values and beliefs in the play Blackrock by Nick Enright. The play is based on a true story and is set in late November to early January in an Industrial city and its beachside suburb of Blackrock. It is about a girl called Tracy aged 15 who was raped and murdered at a teenage party and the effects of it on the locals and community. Three main ideas explored in the play that challenged and confirmed my own beliefs include “Disrespect toward women”, “Victim blaming” and “Double standards”. “Disrespect towards women” occurs many times during the play. In my opinion, women should not be disrespected just as much as men shouldn’t and especially not the way that they show this in the play. One case of disrespect …show more content…

This is seen in act sixteen and act twenty-three. In act sixteen Glenys (Diane’s sister and Cherie’s mother) blames Tracy for what had happened to her. In act twenty-three Jared blames Tracy for dressing down and dancing suggestively, which lead to the death of Ricko. In my opinion, if people dress down then they deserve people getting the wrong idea but they don’t deserve being raped and murdered. They deserve this as when females dress down they are trying to attract attention mostly of the opposite sex anyway. However when it comes to dancing suggestively, it really depends how they dance and if they are dancing for themselves or to try to look attractive. The final concept of “Double standards” is also shown in the play. In my opinion double standards are used mostly to protect people (usually parents and children) however in the play double standards are used with males and females. One instance that this is shown through is different genders and their sexual activity, which is shown in act six. In act six Ricko, Scott and Davo sleep with multiple women however when Shana sleeps with multiple partners she gets called

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