Thelma And Louise Gender Stereotypes

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Are women supposed to stay home, follow commands, and watch television? Are women supposed to cook, clean, and raise the children? What are women supposed to do? Women in general are a very popular topic in today's society. Women are viewed as many things, other than women. Stereotyping women is also done in today's society. In the film, "Thelma and Louise," gender stereotyping is challenged. The film, "Thelma and Louise," challenged gender stereotyping by not portraying Thelma or Louise to be weak, quiet, or as pleasurable objects. The film, "Thelma and Louise," challenged gender stereotyping by not portraying Thelma or Louise to be weak. In the film, Thelma and Louise committed a murder by shooting a man and leaving him dead in the parking of a night club. At first, Thelma and Louise were pretty devastated that they had committed a murder. After a few days of rest, and thinking, Thelma and Louise were able to pull themselves back together. Thelma and Louise were strong enough to come up with a plan to move to Mexico, change their name, and start a new life. Thelma and Louise were so strong that they both were able to keep their composure around new individuals that they …show more content…

Quiet as in an individual obeying or taking every order, command, or task given to them without that individual saying a mumbling word. Thelma was a housewife and obeyed every word that came out of her aggressive husband's, Daryll, mouth. Once Thelma left for a trip with Louise, both Thelma's and Louise's life changed. Thelma and Louise both found their voices out on the open road and began to speak up for themselves. When Thelma's husband called and yelled to her, ''Thelma, you come home right this moment!” Thelma replied, "You are my husband, not my father!" This was a great example of Thelma taking a stand for herself, not obeying her husband, and not remaining

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