The Unsettling Rise of Women and Demise of Men in Education

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A wise woman once said, “No matter where you’re from, every little child’s dream is valid.” Hanna Rosin in “The End of Men” does not seem to believe that men’s dreams can come true with the rise in women dominating all aspects of life. Rosin is worried of the rate in which men are falling behind in their education. Rosin beings the article by introducing the idea of sex selection in the in the 1970s. Rosin further then goes on to show that feminist of the 1980s were worried about the future of women in the society. Additionally instead of the vast majority of people choosing to have boys the trend changed to favour having more girls. Rosin gives and example of a biologist, Ericsson and family. She says that the girls are flying high, while the boys are dragging the feet in their education. Rosin strongly believes that women have the upper hand in their education, workplace and also their personal relationships. While men are losing the grip on the power they have held for so long. She thinks it is a trend that would continue and would never change. Rosin tries to show that men are falling behind in their education, but her arguments about women’s advancement in education do not convincingly show that it is signaling “the end of men” in education.
Rosin makes a valid point that women have made some progress in their education, but she does not persuasively show that they are dominating. Rosin says that,“ women dominate today’s colleges and professional schools- for every two men who receive a B.A. this year, three women will do the same”(46.) We don’t know what the trend has been in terms of data, women are flooding certain colleges but there is no statistics to show that every single year that there are more women than men across...

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...guments about women’s advancement in education do not convincingly show that it is signaling “the end of men” in education. It is valid that the society should be concerned at the rate men are lagging behind. Even though Rosin thinks that Women are dominant in America, she forgets to include the women of other countries whose voice will never be heard. It is going to be hard to get men to go back to school, you cannot make anyone do what they are not willing to do. If this trend continues, we would see generation after generation of women using their knowledge from their education to do things that would change the world. Every child deserves a quality education. When I was younger, my mother always told me that I should be grateful for having the opportunity of going to school, because there are some people in this world who will never have the opportunity to go.

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