The Two Side Impacts Of Social Media

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Social media is the biggests source of communication now in day, and it has change people lifestyle in to a good way or to a bad one. Social media is a source of application it was design to allow people to share their thoughts and comment about things they want. Social media started in the computers so could people use it for fun. Now people use social media to communicate post on their timeline or sharing any type information or ideas. Social media has changed everyone life to a busy one and very entertaining one or maybe not. Is it social media is a good thing or bad one or how our community change? Those are a very ask question now in day, and it have two side effects it all depends on your perspective how you see things. As social media is one of the most common thing to use and people enjoy it and admire it, or some hate it for some reason, but it’s all how you seem to take it if positive or negatively. Everyone has an opinion about social media is all depends how bad or good it have impact your life. Social media has change everyone life the way people communicate with each other by communicating by texting or video chat. In social media is more faster and simpler to contact people, and easier to make new friends too. However social …show more content…

Using social media makes a person to be target to predators and cyberbullying. On this time “Cyberbullying is quite common, can occur to any young person online, and can cause profound psychological outcomes including depression, anxiety, several isolation, and tragically suicide” (“American Academy of Pediatrics”). Cyberbullyng has a negative impact in society because it harming very young people minds. The bullies are tormenting, threat bad people, and embarrass their victims by using any type of social media. All of them are just looking for someone to make fun of and making them look less than the other

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