The Trail: A Short Story

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The car was quiet, quiet with fear radiating from all directions. We continued down the neverending highway as we got closer every second, to our home for the next nine days. The wheels turned followed with a jerk of my head. I found myself in a half circle on the edge of perpetual woods. My nerves becoming unbearable, I opened the door soon to smell the nature flow into the car. The dirt road was mostly rocks that crunched under my feet with every step I took, the sound of birds echoed in my head. I swiftly grabbed my bag from the trunk of the car and attempted to rest it against a large rock wedged in the ground. I adjusted the straps of the bag and loaded my water into the side of my backpack. My dog bounced out of the car, panting and …show more content…

I after five more minutes of just laying in my bed I started to pack my bag. We took five minutes to look at the map before we left and started walking. Today was the hardest terrain and had lots of steep sections which would be hard on my knees and hard on my dog who has trouble with steep parts of the trails. We walked for hours and had no trouble with the hiking conditions. Did we go the wrong way? We forged ahead to see more trail markers so we continued to walk down the trail. We came to a clearing in the forest where trees did not grow, we looked down to see the mountain side covered in rocks with yellow dots, marking that we had to hike down this steep decline. I wasn’t sure that my dog could make the sharp slope. My mom, already carrying about 70 pounds, had to take my dogs backpack so he could make it down. I knew that adding more weight to her already too heavy backpack would be very hard for her. I stepped up and took the backpack and listened to my mom continue on with how she wanted to carry it and didn’t want me to carry it. I started to walk because I knew that I could carry the backpack down the rocks. My dog lead the pack and walked in front of everyone, then me, my sister, and in the back my mom. I took my last step, back on the ground, my heart was pounding and my knees were throbbing. I dropped both of the backpacks that I was carrying and sat down for a break that was well

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