The Theories Of King Tutankhaman's Cause Of Death

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King Tutankhamen was a 18th Dynasty, known for his famous tombs. Unfortunately, the King was also known for his mysterious death. King Tutankhamen’s death has been a mystery for many centuries. With a sudden death around the age of 18, several people were left wondering what really happened to cause his demise. Even more, when a British archaeologist, named, Howard Carter, found his tomb in the Valley of Kings, in 1922 (The Humanities, Culture, Continuity and Change, p. 65), experts from all over the world began to theorize possible causes of his death. I’m not an expert, but I have my theories, too. My first theory is that he died due to several health and medical related issues. My second theory is that he died from an attempted murder. All in all, there has been several theories as to how King Tut died.
On the subject of this mystery, I have some theories of my own. The first theory is that King Tutankhamen’s cause of death was due to health and medical issues. In the past, there were speculations of head trauma, from the result of a chariot crash or a fight. But, in 2005, with t...

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