The Tet Offensive In The Vietnam War

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Due to the violence, anger and idealism in 1968, it is considered the most pivotal year in recent American history. Pivotal is relating to, or constituting a person or thing that is central or important to someone or something else. In 1964, the domestics opposed war in Vietnam with their only focus on ending the U.S. presence in the war that was caused by the United States.
One of the largest military campaigns of the Vietnam War was called the Tet Offensive. The Tet Offensive was to protect against the forces of the South Vietnam, United States Armed Forces, and their allies. The Vietnam war in 1968 was the bloodiest year which shocked the public because American soldiers killed hundreds of unarmed Vietnamese civilians. The North Vietnam attacked in the late night and it did not do much damage versus when the main North Vietnamese operation attacked because it was very effective and was countrywide. It was the largest military operation which stunned both the US and South Vietnamese armies, which caused them to lose all control for the time being. …show more content…

On June 5, 1968, while the election is very active and the impossible happened when Senator Robert F. Kennedy was killed at the Ambassador Hotel. Senator Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated while walking across the stage after participating in the race for the Democratic nomination by Sirhan Sirhan. The convention was taken place to select a new presidential nominee to run as the Democratic Party’s candidate for office after Kennedy’s death and the convention took place August 26-29, 1968 in Chicago, Illinois where Humphrey was

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