The Story of Esther

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The book of Esther tells of a courageous young woman who uses her mind to please God. She becomes the wife of a great king and allows for protection of her own people, the Jews. Esther is a great role model for women of modern day times because of her strength, nobility, and honesty. She portrays a woman with power that most women of that day did not have. The story of Esther has empowered women of all backgrounds and will continue to do so well into the future.
This story originates in the country of Persia about 464-415 B.C (Mid Fifth Century). The ruler over the Persian in this time period is King Xerxes along with Queen Vashti. Xerxes begins to celebrate for 180 days at a massive banquet with his military officials. He commands his Queen to appear before him so he can glow in her beauty. She refuses his request. King Xerxes becomes furious and demands a decree be made so that Vashti will be exiled and women around the country will respect their husbands.
This decree made by Xerxes is common in regard to the Persian lifestyle. The Persian family was centered around the male of...

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