The Similarities And Differences Between The Cold War And War On Terror

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Question 1
The origins of the Cold War date back all the way to 1917 where the United States refused to recognize the Union Soviet Socialists Republics (USSR) as a legitimate government. This continued up into the 1930’s in which the relations between the U.S and USSR intensified. In 1939 Stalin agrees to a non-aggression pact with Germany even besides the fact that the nazis and soviets despised each other. Soon Germany ran by nazie leader Hitler would break that non-aggression pact with Germany and gets dragged into the war they wanted no part of. The U.S. declared war on Japan following the events of pearl harbor corresponding with Germany to declaring war on the U.S.. Even with the strong dislike for one another, a common enemy would become …show more content…

Differences between the Cold War and War on Terror include that the USSR was a Country while Terrorists are small groups that are connected to any countries. The fact that the terrorists are not connected to any country or government makes it very difficult to find and punish those who attack us. Another very large difference is Terrorists are not afraid of death so they are able to attack with no fear of consequences. During the cold war the USSR were afraid to attack the U.S. fearing a nuclear war as the resulting consequences. Another difference is Terrorism is based on religious beliefs and the Cold War was based on the ideals of capitalism versus communism making the Cold War secular.

The war on Terrorism is also fought in ways wars have never been fought in the past. Now terrorism is sometimes fought digitally by U.S. officials monitoring cell phone calls and other electronic devices attempting to siege potential threats. One issue with the War on Terror is no one is still yet to find a solution to dealing with it. Instead many have just found ways attempt to prevent it from growing. This is similar to the Cold War where the main strategy to combat communism was to prevent it and contain

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