The Significance of Amazon Kindle on the Online Book Industry

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This study is being undertaken to determine the significance of Amazon Kindle on American online book industry as a whole but mainly targeting its customers/clients i.e. American e-book publishers. Moreover, the success of every business/industry is highly linked with its customers who either relates with the business directly or indirectly but are still the business customers so in this regard customer acquisition, retention and satisfaction are extremely important points to be noted here. Moreover, some relevant factors such as customer relationship management, scanning the internal with external environment and evaluating the attractiveness of Kindle for its customers will also be the part of this study. However, putting some light on book retailing will be imperative that has led towards the discovery of E-Book industry. The significance of this study will be self explanatory because of enriching and enlarging the scope of any already conducted research on a similar topic.


Geographically the American top ten markets of books were New York, Washington D.C, Chicago, Boston, Seattle, San Francisco, San Diego, and Los Angles etc. According to the book industry experts there are various factors that have been accelerating the book sales (Jaworski et al., 2001). Most prominently a large number of books are being sold on stand-alone superstores at fully discounted prices such as Borders, Bookstar, Barnes & Nobles etc. An imperative need for the establishment of superstores was actually realized in the 1970s when some bookstores such as Tattered Cover in Denver started to develop the gathering places in their neighbourhood (Rangaswamy et al., 2004). Moreover, there are also plenty of major bo...

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...ormation assistance to the American book publishing industry emphasizing on the need to know the characteristics of customers. In 2009, they carried out a research to collect the answers given by the 36000 book buyers who were selected on the basis of their gender, income, age, location and living patterns etc. The results showed that 54.8% of the readers relief on internet to find the books but 24.8% readers rely on the e-mails of booksellers. Whereas, 48% readers prefer to read ebooks on their computers and the sale of e-books have increased by 183% among the seniors aged between 65-70 years and the same has increased by 174% among the readers aged between 55-65 years. However, the biggest followers of Amazon Kindle are aged 50 years. Moreover, a reader on average spends 5.2 hours on reading during a week and the average price of a book is $10.08. (Abbott, 2009).

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