The Scientific Method

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Science is the study of the natural world based on observations and experiments. The study of the natural world helps people understand the process that take place within living organisms. The scientific method is the most common way for scientists to explore areas and test their hypotheses. More specifically, biologists use the scientific method to learn more about the procedures occur in living beings. The scientific method is a procedure used in order for scientists to explain what is going on in our bodies and in our environment by making observations, formulating a hypothesis, and then testing those observations to determine whether or not their hypothesis was correct. After testing the scientist should make new predictions relating to …show more content…

Beadle and Tatum developed a hypothesis stating for each gene there was an enzyme the coded for that certain gene. They tested their hypothesis by working with Neurospora crassa which is a type of fungus. Neurospora can reproduce asexually and sexually and can survive on sugar and salt. One of the main reasons why Beadle and Tatum chose to test their hypothesis with Neurospora was because they can synthesize necessary compounds needed for life and they show the effect of the mutation in the genes immediately. Later on this hypothesis was refuted and was revised because the majority of proteins are not enzymes. For example, hemoglobin is a protein that consists of four polypeptide chains instead of just one. The hypothesis was changed because it was later discovered that most proteins consist of two or more different polypeptide chains have the ability to code for one gene (Witz BW 2004). George Beadle and Edward Tatum used the scientific method in order to become more aware of the processes that take place in living …show more content…

When I began the semester I had very little remembrance of how the processes that occurred in plants and animals worked, as my last biology class was four years ago. I had recollection of the s topics, but I did not completely recall how they worked. Photosynthesis is one of the topics that I am the most familiar with now because I now understand it in much greater detail. More specifically, lab number seven helped better my understanding of how photosynthesis works. I now understand that the leaves of a plant only absorb certain wavelengths which ranges from 380nm to 500nm and 570nm to 700nm. I also understand why leaves are green. Leaves appear to be the color green because they reflect anything that has a wavelength of 500nm to 570nm (BD. Bio.Q103L Biological Systems I Laboratory 2016). The concepts that I have learned during this semester will affect my day to day life because I now know what is needed in order for my day to day life processes to occur. I know that I need to put healthy food and water into my body in order for my cells to perform their very important job to keep me alive. I also have learned how important Adenosine Tri-Phosphate is to my body, especially in cellular respiration. The concepts that I am learning now will also help me in the future. As a physical therapist it will be important that I know how to take care of my patients,

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