The Role Of Wealth In The Great Gatsby

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While those such as Gatsby and Nick may have worked hard to earn their wealth, they will still never attain the same status as the old and aristocratic East Egg, since they lack the intangible established history already possessed by those who live in East Egg. This is what is frequently used to distance the old money from the new, and also what causes people like Tom Buchanan to denounce the newly found success of West Egg. The East Egg feeling of superiority over West Egg emerges out of the fact that unlike Tom’s pre-existing wealth, Gatsby emerged out of nowhere, sort of like a slightly mysterious and sinister figure. At one of Gatsby’s parties, Tom asserts that “a lot of these newly rich people are just big bootleggers” (p.114). Nick also observes that even Daisy “was appalled by West Egg… its raw vigor… [and] saw something awful in the very simplicity she failed to understand” (p.114). …show more content…

It portrays a queer mix of the lewd and the respectable and also exemplifies the spirit of conspicuous consumption common in this era. Gatsby’s parties are both a description and parody of the Jazz Age decadence, and despite the supercilious complacency that roots from East Egg, West Egg can also be seen as exemplifying the distinguished American dream. It is a land that is uninterrupted by modernity, ready for the realization of aspirations held by individuals such as Nick and Gatsby. Nick and Gatsby both exhibit notions of this dream, as they both aspire to attain goals that more personal rather than

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