The Purpose Of Personality Test

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Introduction: Personality test are made for people to help them understand more about themselves and why they are the way they are. I took one for Developmental Psychology and based on the choices I made on the questions, it determined my personality. The two personality test I took helped me figure out how I am. Purpose: The purpose of the test was to help me understand and determine who I really am and what kind of person I am. Hypothesis: Before I took the test I had wrote down what I thought were my strengths and weaknesses. My strengths were Hard working, Organized, strong believer and my weaknesses were impatient, not good at remembering important dates, and procrastination. Materials: Personality quizzes Thought Time Internet …show more content…

The way the test is based when answering the questions is YES, which means you are absolutely certain you agree with the question. You’ll also see another yes but it will be all lowercase meaning you agree but not absolutely. You will also see an uncertain button when you absolutely are a little bit of both yes and no. Another answer is just a no which is all lower cased, which means you do not agree with the question and There is last option is a NO with all uppercase, which means your are totally do not agree with the …show more content…

ISFP says that I am an introverted person, which means I am more focused on internal thoughts, moods and feelings. The Reason I got ISFP was because it is based off percentages. My results showed that I am twenty-eight percent more introverted than extraverted. Fifty-six percent more sensing over intuition. Nineteen percent more feelings over thinking. And thirty-one percent more perceiving over judgment. On the second test which was the true color test. The color I got was blue, meaning I am sensitive and artistic. According to the test, I tend to be a caretaker, compassionate, warm, and romantic. My weaknesses are emotional instability, unable to make a clear decision and a pushover. When it comes to needs they are to be true to myself, to unite people, and to have meaningful

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