The Pros and Cons of Globalization

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Globalization promises a lot for the future of the world, however the same sections it’s suppose to benefit, it seems to have a reverse affect. It is understood that with every decision there is an opportunity cost, but is that decision worth making if it worsens the very thing it is suppose to benefit? The example provided above about America and the reverse affects of outsourcing is a perfect example of the paradox that globalization presents

Jamaica & Globalization

Jamaica is a great case study to use to show how globalization—specifically economic globalization—negatively affects developing countries. Jamaica, with hesitation opened its doors to the foreign market, to help its debt crisis, and with much help from the IMF and multinational corporations, their local and national economies were destroyed, their debt increased, they became self-reliant on foreign aid and business, social conditions worsened and the country was left destitute, with no way to overcome its problems.

After watching the movie “Life and Debt” in class, my perception of globalization was tweaked. How could a process that promised much good for the world, and has so far, delivered on such, too contradict itself? The movie exposed the truth about Jamaica’s economic and political situations, which suffered after WWII and the 1973 world convulsion; and later under the abusive hand of globalization accompanied by the lack of help from allies and the IMF. The oil embargo of 1973, by OPEC—which served to target the U.S and their foreign policy in the Middle East, specifically their alliance with Israel—had negative implications for the global oil markets. Oil prices soared, affecting many countries and devastating many others, like developing country Jama...

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...d Social Science Online. Center for Promoting Ideas. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.

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Jones, Shirley J., and Sandra A. Austin. "Globalization and Africa." Globalization, Social Justice, and the Helping Professions. Albany: State U of New York, 2011. 119-29. Print.

Life and Debt. Dir. Michael Manley, Bob Marley, Stephanie Black, and Jamaica Kincaid. Perf. Michael Manley, Horst Kohler. Tuff Gong Pictures, 2009. DVD.

Robinson, William I. "Latin America in the New Global Capitalism." NACLA 1 June 2012: 13-18. Social Sciences Full Text. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.

Thorbecke, Erik, and Machiko Nissanke. "The Impact of Globalization on the Poor in Latin America." Economía 9.1 (2009): 153-86. Social Sciences Full Text. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.

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