Essay On War Powers

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War powers refers to the powers exercised by Congress or the president during times of war or other crises affecting national security. Article 2, Section 2 of the US Constitution declares that the president is the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States. He may direct the military after an official declaration of war from Congress. There is a lot of disagreement and confusion about what exactly the president has the power to do under the Constitution. The purpose of this paper is to determine what war powers the constitution and Congress give the president, domestically and abroad during times of war, and what the scope of those powers is. The Constitution does not explicitly give the president additional powers during times of emergency, but many people think that the framers of the Constitution implied these powers because the executive branch can respond faster than the legislative in times of crisis. Abraham Lincoln used the claim of emergency powers when he suspended the writ of …show more content…

Chief Justice Stone wrote in the opinion that the agents had violated the law of war and were thus enemy combatants. Under the Articles of War, Congress authorized trials by military commission for enemy combatants, so the president was acting within his authority and the rights of the agents were not violated. In this case, the reason that the president was constitutionally able to order the agents to stand trial by military commission was because of the fact that they were enemy combatants. As long as the crime committed is a war crime, the president is authorized to do this. If the crime committed is not an act of war, it should be tried by jury in a civilian court. In addition, the rights of the 5th and 6th amendments apply to US citizens, but not necessarily to enemy combatants and non-citizens

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