The Pros And Cons Of Suspending Students

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What does suspending a student actually do to them? Does it even have an effect on most students? Is suspending the best punishment? Not many children think about it but suspending kids is a very big deal and could affect their future in a big way. Although there are situations where a child should be suspended, suspension is not a thing to take lightly but still it is overused. Suspending students deterrent value is low and it is also clearly ineffective, also suspending students has been way overused as a punishment and seems to not affect the children that much, and taking children of all ages out of schools will help them in no way and might possibly affect their future in a bad way. Suspending students is clearly ineffective and its …show more content…

In light of recent events of shootings, schools have gone far enough as to suspend a 7 year old for chewing a breakfast pasty into a gun and also many other small children who were pretending to shoot each other. One could understand the severity of suspending a teenager for doing such things, but to go as far as suspending a small child who most likely doesn’t even know much about the recent events, or anything about them for that matter, is a bit much and it most likely won’t affect the child at all because they would rather stay home anyway. While it is true that a child should really not be joking about guns, they are children and they don’t know any better and don’t intend for their joking around to be used as a threat. So it stands to reason that suspending has been way overused and is unhelpful to the children who do get …show more content…

When you take a child out of school it doesn’t just take away their opportunity to see their friends or make bad decisions in school again, it takes away their education. Now if schools were to start using In School Suspension, where the children still have to go to school and do work but are separated from everyone else, that is usually a worse punishment than not having to go to school for a few days. The fact of the matter is that most of the people who get suspended are people who don’t care and have parents who don’t care if they get suspended or not. They would rather get suspended than still have to stay in school and do work. Yes, sometimes it is necessary to suspend a child or punish them in a harsher way, but still there is no reason to take a child away from their education because of a bad mistake or decision they made. This means that suspending children all the time is not

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