The Pros And Cons Of Drug Incarceration

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“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” (Albert Einstein) This often referred to definition is a pretty universally accepted and simple concept if we continue to do what has failed in the past why should we expect a different outcome? We shouldn’t but in the case of drug addicts the legal system holds on to the dogma of incarceration alone for the most part will somehow rehabilitate a disease. Prisoners with other medical conditions are sent to prisons that can meet there medical needs. Treatment for inmates who are mentally ill are mostly undertreated if they receive treatment at all. I will not say all because there are some states that are trying to offer treatment but unfortunately when money is tight as it has been for several years now this is one of the first programs to get defunded. I am not asking for preferential treatment for the drug abuser I am asking for equal treatment drug addiction is a disease and we need to treat it as such. The hardened criminal that has multiple convictions is not necessarily who I’m describing the first time someone is found guilty of possession this is where we start and teens who commit crimes to get drugs that is where we should start. Not to say if someone wants to get into the program that doesn’t fit that description we don’t help them out by all means we do but the earlier we can stop the progression of their criminal activity the better. If we continue to go on acting as if addicts don’t need treatment in our prisons we will continue to see them return which is insanity. We need to change the way we look at drug abusers in our justice system the fact that approximately 50% of addicts that are released from prison will return. It seems... ... middle of paper ... ...ked to rehabilitate drug abusers and we have an alternative which is treatment and people who work in corrections facilities see that treatment works why aren’t we using it? If we can lower the prison population and save money in the long hall why don’t we? If we can save even 20% of first time offenders and lower crime isn’t that worth it even if it cost a little more money up front? If it’s worth it to you and it’s worth it to me we have to make it worth it to politicians. Politicians are afraid of looking like they are not hard crime and treatment for someone who committed a crime somehow that translates into being soft on crime. So as a society we need to ask ourselves do we want more of the same insanity or do we stand up and vote for people that are willing to do what’s right in the long hall for all of us even if it means having to defend what they believe?

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