The Pros And Cons Of Agricultural Revolution

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It took many years for the tremendous change of lifestyle of the early human communities. At the begging of the Neolithic Period humans were nomads who followed their food source moving from one place to another. Early civilization used to hunt wild animals and gather wild plants to survive. It was until ca 10,000 years ago during the Neolithic Period when Agricultural Revolution began. Due to Agricultural revolutions humans begging to settle in one place and focus on particular economy, political, religion and activities. Agricultural revolution was the moving from foraging to producing animals and plants for human use through domestication. Agriculture was invented individually in different parts of the world and slowly spread to some areas …show more content…

Agriculture was very demanding because it required more regular work as difference as the hunting and gathering groups that existed before. Nevertheless, this life style was better; people got to have better food supply, they were able to build their own houses and agriculture generate stable communities were people could interact with one another. Agricultural societies contributed to a higher birth rate because young children were being used to cooperate in the labor of the land. But not everything was advantages in agriculture. Agricultural Revolution came with many disadvantages as well, disease was the mainly problem with agriculture. Many of the diseases were transmitted from animals to humans. Another negative consequence that came with Agricultural Revolution was a less varied diet. Some of the time farmers were just able to eat grins because they did not have any other source of food. Some of this grains lacked nutrients that the human body need to survive. Crop failure was other of the consequences of Agricultural revolution. Crop failure happened because some of the techniques that were being used were not being

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