The Presentation Of Gender Stereotypes In The Jetsons

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Although animated cartoons have long been associated with children’s entertainment, the content of many cartoons suggest they are for adults as well. From character portrayal to perceived gender roles, cartoons such as The Flintstones, The Jetsons, and Scooby Doo both reflect societal values from their time periods as well as perpetuate the developed stereotypes. Cartoons produced more recently such as The Simpsons start to challenge these stereotypes instead of following blindly. Comparing the earliest popular cartoons to more recent productions, shows progress towards a less stereotypical character portrayal in regards to gender. In North American culture, watching television is as much part of regular life as eating supper. In an age …show more content…

Both women are very thin and constantly in a dress with their hair perfectly done. The women have no occupations and are instead in charge of the cooking, cleaning, and child care. Apart from this, their singular hobby is shopping. The male characters, Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble, are portrayed in a similar fashion. Both men are large, rough, and seemingly dim-witted. They both hold respectable jobs and are the providers for the family. While in the time these stereotypes were very factual, The Flintstones did nothing but encourage them. With a similar overall concept, The Jetsons also portrays similar gender …show more content…

They are the two most popular characters, and they also end up together romantically. The differences between Fred and Daphne highlight the difference in ideals for enacting hegemonic gender portrayal. Fred is intelligent and praised for it, while Daphne is rewarded for being clueless. All four characters demonstrate the different gender expectations present at the time of production through their similarities and differences. Fred is the hegemonic male while Velma expresses her femininity in a more unconventional way, yet they share many similarities. Both are useful characters to the plot, and both are portrayed as being the most intelligent of their sex in the group. This similarity illustrates the different perception of certain characteristics due to the gender of the individual displaying them. The stereotypical gender roles portrayed in Scooby Doo are mocked throughout the popular television show, The

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