The Popular Front

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Terrorism could be defined as the use of violence in order to accomplish some type of political coercion, usually premeditated and against innocent people. When an act of terror occurs it affects nations near and far. The Popular front for the Liberation of Palestine is no different than any other terrorist organization that exists today. The organization that has been in existence for over 45 years still instills domestic fear in people and recognized around by governments as a serious threat. The Popular Front for the Liberation of

Palestine (PFLP) formed in 1967 after the Arab States defeat in the Six Day War and is classified as a Marxist-Leninist group lead by George Habash. The group formed originally started under the authority of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) (State, US Department of). The PLO was established three short years before the PFLP due to rising conflicts of the Arab nations in regards to politics and Israel (Robinson). The Popular Front …show more content…

George Habash was born in 1925 in Lydda, Palestine to a Greek Orthodox family. In George’s early 20’s he was forced to flee to Palestine in 1948. During George’s time in Palestine he attended college at the American University of Beirut where he obtained a degree in medicine. In 1948 he formed the Organization to Oppose Political Settlement with Israel (Palestinian Academic Society of the Study of Internation Affairs, 2006). By 1952 Habash founded the Arab Nationalist Movement (ANM) and operated in Amman, Jordan from this group the PFLP was formed. George felt as though “the only language which the enemy understands is that of revolutionary violence” and that the “historic task” was to open a fierce struggle against the enemy, “turning the occupied territories into an inferno whose fires consume the usurpers.” (Halsell, 1998). During Habash’s time as leader he commanded aerial

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