The Moving Day In The House Of Mrs. Frisby

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Mrs. Frisby is the careful mother of four mice children in the farm of Farmer Fitzgibbon
She is always worried for her children sick. When Mrs. Frisby comes back home to find her frailest and skinniest child Timothy sick, she doesn't know what to do. Even worse, moving day is only a few days away! When it is moving day, Farmer Fitzgibbon plows the field and then will break Mrs. Frisby's house with all of her children! Mrs. Frisby must get her children and she to the summer refuge quick, but with timothy sick, Mrs. Frisby can't move her children or else Timothy will get even more sick! Mrs. Frisby goes to Mr. Ages, a respected friend of her husband who is a fabulous doctor!
The doctor says that Timothy has pneumonia and gives Mrs. Frisby an antidote! But to fully heal, timothy must stay in bed for at least a month! With moving day in only five days, Mrs. Frisby needs urgent help! One day, Mrs. Frisby finds a helpless young crow tangled in shiny, silver wire. She frees the crow named Jeremy and lets him go. The crow asks if he can do anything to repay her. Mrs. Frisby says her need for a solution for her moving day problem. The kind crow takes her to the wise owl who says to go to the rats. Mrs. Frisby is unsure about the suggestion, but with Timothy sick, Mrs. Frisby will do anything. Mrs. Frisby goes to the prickly thorn bush, the habitat of the gray rats. The rats are astonished with Mrs. Frisby, telling her of the heroic deeds of her long-lost husband. Now Mrs.Frisby will brave the deeds to keep young Timothy safe. But how?] is the question.
The rats adjourn to a meeting to discuss the matters. Nicodemus, the leader of the intelligent rats, finally comes to Mrs. Frisby after the everlasting conference and tells her the reas...

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...u'll love fiction books! This book is super addicting so you'll love to read more of O'Brien's books! You might realize that with your imagination, you can make any story! O'Brien does exactly that in this book. You will love this for it is known throughout this continent as a descriptive, sweet book about friendship and responsibility. This book also is made to have a "cute and tiny" because it is about a mouse. I like this feature because I think that it makes this book more addicting to read. This is what I think about Robert C. O'Brien's book the miraculous Rats of Nimh.
Epilogue: This is a great work of writing by O'Brien and will not fail to amaze you. As for Zena Bernstein, her pictures made this epic book so much greater. Through words and wonderful illustrations, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh have become one of my most favorite books of all time.

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