The Moral Treatment and Its Succes

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In the late eighteenth century, the moral treatment was first adopted by Dr. Willis and then popularized by French physician Philippe Pinel and British philanthropist William Tuke. Discouraged by the inefficiency of traditional treatments and inspired by the Enlightenment principle, these innovators tried to find a new approach to help psychotics back to sanity. Because the principle and practices of moral treatment place a high value on respecting the liberty, humanity, and individuality of patients, the moral treatment achieved the success in curing patients and remained popular in the next century.
The Definition of Moral Treatment
Moral treatment is a treatment that uses “psychological methods” to treat mental diseases (Packet Two, 26). In general, moral treatment was a relatively benevolent and humane approach to treat mental disorders. Before the introduction of moral treatment, insane people were regarded by the general public as wild animals whose brains were physically impaired and usually incurable (Packet One, 11). Therefore, regardless of patients’ specific symptoms, physicians generally labeled patients as lunatics and treated them with the same method (Packet One, 11). Because of the perceived impossibility of curing mental illness, physicians put far greater emphasis on restraining patients’ potential danger behaviors than striving to bring them back to sanity. Cruel methods such as bloodletting were widely used, but their effectiveness was really poor. Moral treatment was a response to this ineffective and brutal traditional treatment. The advocates of moral treatment insisted that mental diseases were curable. By providing a friendly environment that contributed to reviving, moral treatment could help patients to...

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...y. The doctors could also prescribe varied treatment to different groups of patients who have distinct symptoms. Third, since patients in the same group tended to have similar interests, they could build friendship after communicating with each other every day. Therefore, they would ease stress and achieve happiness, creating a better condition for their convalescence. All of the above reasons manifest the importance of classification in the moral treatment.
First adopted by Dr. Willis and systematized by Pinel and Tuke, the moral treatment became the dominant treatment on psychiatry from the late 18th century to the late 19th century. Due to its emphasis on the liberty of patients, the connection between doctors and patients, and the classification of patients, the moral treatment effectively used psychological method to cure mental diseases and achieved unprecede

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