The Mightiest Hero In The Epic Of Beowulf

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Beowulf was considered the mightiest hero among the lands of where he resided for his heroic actions and thoughtful actions towards his civilians and other rulers. In the beginning of the book there was a mythical creature that reeked havoc upon the village named Grendel that attacked the King’s Hrothgar’s mead hall. When Beowulf heard the news, he willingly volunteered to attack Grendel. He then gathers up the mightiest men to go on the journey with him. When he arrives at Herot he’s given a feast and allowed to stay the night at the Herot to confront Grendel. Then when Grendel arrives he kills one of the men waiting before Beowulf could get to the battle. Beowulf then begins fighting with Grendel and tears off his shoulder, when his shoulder …show more content…

People believed that from that encounter that he took over the kingdom and then became a ruler of a different kingdom. From a young knight into a wise king he had become from the start of the book. Before Beowulf dies from old age in the book, he has his final battle against an epic dragon and includes many traits that can make him a noble hero in the book from having loyalty to not only his men but to his kingdom that he prospered, he also had courage from when he fought off all these threats to his kingdom ranging from Grendel to Grendel’s mom, Hrothgar when the power came to his head, to his last battle against the dragon. He also had skill, as it takes skill to win all those battles your normal knight can not win all those battles without having the knowledge to win them. As well as generosity, he was generous to anyone he came upon and offered help when it was needed, an example: Grendel when he became a threat to a kingdom, and when he was …show more content…

He possessed traits that most heroes don’t even posses take for example another mythical character Hercules he defeated mythical creatures, stood for his kingdom, and became a mythical God and was the son of Zeus. Beowulf did more in a shorter time than Hercules did his entire lifetime, he saved more kingdoms, he might of not defeated as many mythical creatures that he did but he was more of a hero. Not only was he a kind hearted man towards Hygelac’s son that was taking over throne but he stood by him and helped him. When it came to Beowulf’s death when he sacrificed himself to the dragon thinking was best for his kingdom but he put them in danger since they were left without a king, while most would say Beowulf did not have much of a choice for free will from the dragon. But we also can not blame our heroic figure in this story, that he was just thinking for the kingdom and what would honor the best for the civilians. In the end the story was kind of harsh calling it a failure and that should obviously look wrong, most should think of it as a heroic act at the time that it happened, that Beowulf himself was just acting for the good and responsibilities of a king and his moral status. When Beowulf’s funeral came around the people made sure it was going to be a memorable funeral they gave over golds and silvers and

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