The Maze Runner Analytical Essay

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Throughout the book, The Maze Runner by James Dashner, there are many cases where the Gladers could have realized that the world they lived in was fabricated. The Maze was Phase One of the Trials created by WICKED personnel, for the Gladers to solve. From the elevator bringing in random people, the Beetle Blades with cameras and the fact that the sun rise and sets at the same time everyday until the cycle is broken, were sure signs that should have made the Gladers realize it was all an experiment. To begin with, it started when, the protagonist wakes up in a metal box that seems to be moving. We find out that his name is Thomas, but that's all that he can remember about his life. “And yet he didn’t know where he came from, or how he’d gotten inside the dark lift, or who his parents were. [...] He couldn’t think of one person he knew, or recall a single conversation” (Dashner 2). He cannot remember his family, or even where he came from. That’s a weird “birth” story from the get-go. The Box is a metal lift located in the center of the Glade that brings weekly supplies to the Gladers, but also a new Glader every month. No one knows anything about it or who controls it. It comes from a dark and deep hole, seemingly endless. …show more content…

Beetle blades are small, metal creatures made by WICKED to observe the Gladers during the first phase of the Trials. The fact that the Beetle Blades are “cameras” to keep track of the Gladers, is another dead giveaway. “The torso was a silver cylinder, maybe three inches in diameter and ten inches long. [...] The head was impossible to see because of the red beam of light shining right at him, though it seemed small, vision its only purpose, perhaps” (Dashner 124). Of course with like any other experiment, the person or people, who are conducting the experiment would want to keep track of the “lab rats” and see how they react when another variable is added to the

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