The Mathematics In Sports

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When researching the math behind sports, I found that there are a multitude of formulas that go behind the simple actions in sports such as basketball and baseball. Basketball is a game played between two teams of five players in which goals are scored by throwing a ball through a netted hoop fixed above each end of the court. Baseball is a ball game played between two teams of nine on a field with a diamond-shaped circuit of four bases. To be successful in these sports, one must make their baskets, and hit the ball a certain way.

The point of this exploration is to delve into the math behind these sports, and see what formulas occur during a game. I chose this topic, because I love sports and play them multiple times a month. After discovering that there is arithmetical aspects of these sports I was fascinated and wanted to explore them.


Basketball can be looked at from a mathematic standpoint. To make a pass from one player to another one can use the following formula:

(Huffman, Katharine)

Shooting the ball into the hoop is a harder task, and a ...

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