The Möbius Strip

698 Words2 Pages

Xander du Plooy
Mrs. Virginia Campo
Geometry Honors
20 April 2014

The One-Sided Object
Why did the chicken cross the Möbius Strip? Well, of course, to get to the same side! Wait, what? Born in 1790, Augustus Ferdinand Möbius would grow up to become a great astronomer and mathematician. Not only this, but his name would be remembered throughout geometry and science as the man who discovered what is known as the Möbius Strip. He discovered the Möbius Strip in September of 1858 and later wrote an article on it in 1865. Although Möbius received the credit, the first person to actually discover both this strange, three-dimensional figure and have the opportunity to publish his findings was Johan Benedict Listing. Listing found it in July of 1858, and established this revelation to the public in 1861. Even so, the base knowledge of this strip have records that date back to ancient times where the mention of something of similar description was made in an Alexandrian manuscript. The Möbius strip or Möbius band is a surface with only one side and contains only one boundary elemental property. The Möbius strip has the mathematical property of being non-orientable. It can additionally be realized as a ruled surface.
Furthermore, the Möbius Strip composes of various mathematical properties. If a strip of paper is taken and it's ends taped together, it would most likely end up being a belt. It would be a loop with both an inside surface and an outside surface. But what if you took that same strip of paper and gave it a half twist before taping the ends together? The result would be this fascinating geometric complexity, which is known as the Möbius Strip. If a Möbius Strip is cut length-wise (all the way around) it will end up with a loop ...

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...of half-twists is cut in half along its length, it will result in two linked strips, each with the same number of twists as the original.
Möbius Strips have been put to use by engineers. Found throughout science and mathematics, the Möbius Strip is used create advances in industrial production and other fields, as well as, solve problems relating to such. For example, some conveyor belts are made with a half twist so that the wear and tear on the belt is equal on both sides. The belt itself only wears out half as fast. In a similar fashion, continuous loop recording tapes are made in this way in order to double the recording surface using the same amount of tape. As one can see, the Möbius Strip is an outstanding mathematical and geometrical discovery with an array of complex properties. So again, why did the chicken cross the Möbius Strip? To get to the same side.

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