The Link Between Cancer and Mitosis

562 Words2 Pages

The Link Between Cancer and Mitosis

Cancer is one of the most common diseases in the developed countries,

accounting for around one in four deaths. In Britain it caused about

25% of the deaths h in 1991 and is the most common cause of death

following cardiovascular disease. There are, in fact, over 200

different forms of cancer, which is why it is not necessarily thought

of as a single disease. For example, breast cancer is the most common

form in women and lung cancer in men.

Cancers are a result of uncontrolled mitotic cell division, which is

the division of one cell to produce two genetically identical daughter

cells. The problem is cased by mutations or abnormal activation of the

genes which control cell division. We can say that a gene has been

mutated if there is a change in one of the bases; for example, one

base turns (e.g. adenine) into another base (e.g. thymine). This can

lead to uncontrolled cell division. When genes are abnormal (or have

been mutated) they are called oncogenes (onkos means tumour), about a

hundred of which have been discovered. Cancerous cells will divide

uncontrollably and repeatedly forming clones of genetically identical

cells. Therefore, thought the mutation may start off in only one cell,

it can be passed on to the cells decedents, so the daughter cells will

too have the mutated gene. Eventually an irregular mass of relatively

undifferentiated cells called a tumour is formed. By the time a tumour

is detected it may contain about a thousand, million cells, which show

abnormal changes in shape.

There are basically two different types of tumours- malignant and

benign. Tumour that spread and even...

... middle of paper ...

...t cells. Burkitt's

lymphoma, for example, is caused by a virus and is the mist common

cancer in children in certain parts of Africa. Cervical cancer is an

example of a type of cancer that can be transmitted sexually.

Some people are said to have a hereditary predisposition to cancer,

due to it being common in their families. This provides evidence of a

genetic link. In most cases thought the disease itself is not

inherited but susceptibility to the factors that cause the disease

are. However some forms of cancer do appear to be caused by the

inheritance of a single faulty gene. For example, Retionblastoma,

which is caused by an error in chromosome 13.

It is believe that development of a malignant cancer cell involves

several step and is not cause by just one factor, but more than one

working over several years.

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